Dermaplaning Facial Benefits

Dermaplaning Facial. Benefits, Side Effects And More

A new method of exfoliating the skin, called “dermaplaning” takes only 20 minutes, and surpasses all known types of exfoliation in its effectiveness. After just one session, the skin regains freshness for 30 days or more. At first glance, the procedure looks a little scary, as it is carried out using a scalpel, but in fact very safe and leaves no harm done to your skin.

The procedure is carried out in an esthetician’s office. A special tool is used with which the skin care specialist carefully and delicately scrapes the dead layer of cells from the surface of the skin and removes the smallest hairs. In skilled hands, the process is safe and is usually accompanied by post treatment with cleansing products.

What dermaplaning does?

This non-invasive procedure is performed on dry skin using a special instrument with a blade resembling a medical scalpel. This process has long been used in Asian countries, but only now has it gained popularity in the rest of the world.

The specialist presses the instrument slightly to the surface of the skin and uses downward movements, similar to a normal shaving procedure. To improve the effect, additional cosmetic exfoliating products which contain AHA or BHA acids can be used. The final stage of the session is often the use of a moisturizing mask.

Dermaplaning Facial Benefits

Dermaplaning effectively polishes the surface of the skin, eliminating small hairs (peach fuzz) and keratinized layer of cells. Thanks to this procedure a natural regenerative process is activated in your face. Shallow wrinkles fade, small scars disappear, and post-acne spots lighten. In general, the skin will look healthier and more radiant.

Indications that you may need dermaplaning:

  • Clogged Pores, blackheads and black spots.
  • Gray complexion.
  • Rapid hair growth on the face
  • Noticeable Scars.
  • Hyperkeratosis.  

After the procedure, it is easier to apply cosmetic care products to the skin and cosmetics will set better on the face.

Contraindications are:

  • Inflammation and pathology of the skin on the face.
  • Deep, numerous scars.
  • Allergy to metal tools or cosmetics.


Dermaplaning Side Effects

As noted above this method is quite safe so no recovery time is required after dermaplaning. It is important not to forget about the regular use of sunscreen to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.

After using a scalpel, the skin on the face may have increased sensitivity for a while. This is totally normal. After a few days, the epidermis will recover, so at first it is not recommended to use aggressive cleansers and excessively active masks and serums in your face care. Also, if after a dermaplaning procedure you also plan to chemical peel, make sure that the skin has fully recovered, otherwise there exists a risk of acid burn.

Is dermaplaning the same as shaving?

Naturally, when you talk about shaving our face many fear that hairs will regrow stiffer and darker. This is actually an old wives tale. Doctors say that this cannot happen because the hair is a special type of hair and genetically will always remain the same.

After a while, it will again appear on the treated areas of the skin in the same amount without changing its structure. Neither the length nor the thickness of the hair changes. Estimated time for regrowth of any hair takes about 4 weeks.

8 important dermaplaning facts

Dermaplaning is recommended for all skin types. The procedure is especially recommended for women with sunburnt, sensitive, very dry or dull skin. The only contraindication is acne or skin inflammation, which can be aggravated by the scalpel used during the session.

  1. Facial hair will not become thicker or darker from Dermaplaning. Hair that begins to grow some time after the procedure will be the same in structure and color as the hair that was removed.
  2. After the procedure, there is no prolonged inflammation of the skin. Sometimes a slight redness may appear, which disappears after 40 minutes. You can apply makeup almost immediately.
  3. After Dermaplaning, the use of sunscreen is recommended. It is best to apply sunscreen every day at any time of the year, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors. After thorough exfoliation, the skin is especially susceptible to damage from the sun.
  4. Dermaplaning sessions are worth the cost. The difference in texture and skin tone is immediately noticeable.
  5. After dermaplaning, makeup application is smoother. The dermaplaning blade removes all the small hairs on the face, so makeup applies evenly and smoothly. Skin care products will have a better effect, not being blocked by dead cells.  Beneficial substances will penetrate the skin faster.
  6. The effect of each session lasts up to four weeks. However, results are best when maintained consistently because new peeling and hairs regrowth will occur.
  7. Only a trained professional should perform dermaplaning. You should not do this procedure at home. A professional tool is required; ordinary razors will not work and will damage the skin. At home, it is not possible to ensure safety OR to guarantee results.