How Often Should You Get a Microdermabrasion Facial?

How Often Should You Get a Microdermabrasion Facial

On average, a course of microdermabrasion consists of 6-10 procedures. One session might last about an hour. But it is important to remember that the interval between treatments should be every 4 weeks, allowing the skin to recover. Since the dermis is renewed every 30 days, the results of the procedure will become more visible over time.

If you suffer from acne, age spots, scars (including acne), fine wrinkles or want to improve your complexion and overall skin condition, feel free to choose a diamond or standard microdermabrasion procedure. This method can be applied on any area of the skin where a problem has occurred. It does not cause irritation or pain and allows you to immediately return to your normal activities.

But before we can talk too much about frequency, let’s learn a bit more about what exactly Microdermabrasion is.

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion of the skin is an excellent alternative to chemical peeling. It is considered an easy and reliable procedure that does not require a long recovery period. This procedure uses a gentle mechanical exfoliation device to clean and exfoliate the skin. For this procedure, a variety of abrasives are used such as magnesium oxide, aluminum oxide, chloride and sodium bicarbonate. Using a gentle a stream of pressured air, these trace elements scrub the skin and exfoliate dead cells. After microdermabrasion, the skin not only feels refreshed but also gets rid of many blemishes.

These days, microdermabrasion skin exfoliation can be accomplished not only with abrasives under a stream of air but with something called diamond microdermabrasion. A device is used that has a diamond tip head on the nozzle that is passed over the skin, polishing and exfoliating it. Dead particles are then absorbed using soft suction. The main advantage of this type of dermabrasion is that it is safer around sensitive areas such as eyes and lips because of the absence of non-abrasive crystals

Microdermabrasion is aimed at rejuvenating your skin and correcting aesthetic deficiencies. Some uses of the procedure can be for:

  • Tattoo removal
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Acne
  • Stretch marks of various kinds
  • Normal Aging and wrinkles
  • Hypertrophic and atrophic scars
  • Clogged and enlarged pores

In addition, microdermabrasion is indicated in preparation for some plastic surgeries, laser and injection procedures. This is due to the fact that microdermabrasion perfectly prepares the skin and makes it more susceptible to absorption of active substances.


Microdermabrasion steps

Upon arrival at the spa, your face is first cleansed using an alcohol solution. Makeup is then removed and tonic is applied to the skin. The eye areas are covered with cotton pads. The esthetician selects the nozzle and the depth of exfoliation: surface, medium or deep treatment. Special masks and gels are pre-applied, depending on the specific problem (acne, scars, wrinkles).
During the session, the patient does not experience pain. After the microdermabrasion procedure, the skin may turn red, which is typical for patients with sensitive skin. However, such a reaction is very temporary, and the redness completely disappears after a few hours.

Microdermabrasion can be done both on the face and on various areas of the body: neck, chest, legs, arms, stomach, back. The duration of the session will depend on the size of the treated area. For example, it will take 8 to 20 minutes to treat the face or chest, and 8-12 minutes to treat the neck.

Microdermabrasion after care

Every day, you should properly nourish and moisturize the skin so that it does not become dry. Protect your skin from direct sunlight. Do not use saunas, baths, or tanning beds. Do not use scrubs. Tonal products should not be used the day after dermabrasion.

Sometimes, after dermabrasion, bruising, small abrasions, and spider veins can appear. Also irritation, redness of the skin, itching, hypersensitivity, exacerbations of herpes can occur. Therefore, after any microdermabrasion treatment, follow the esthetician’s recommendations to use moisturizers or nourishing creams with SPF protection.

Microdermabrasion contraindications

As with  any treatment there may be contraindications that can have adverse side effects. To avoid them, the following contraindications should be considered as contraindications:

  • Diabetes
  • Herpes
  • Rosacea
  • Skin lesions
  • Dermatosis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Warts
  • Acute inflammatory processes
  • If you use blood thinners or medications that can increase skin scarring, then you should avoid microdermabrasion.
  • If you have a recent burn, open wounds, or oncology treatments, you should postpone the procedure.

Microdermabrasion benefits

After microdermabrasion exfoliation, skin regeneration improves, microcirculation, lymph flow, blood circulation increases. Your complexion is evened, the tone of the skin firms up, the depth of wrinkles and scars decreases, and acne and rashes also are reduced.

Some of the benefits of this procedure overall are:

  • Absolutely painless procedure
  • Instant results
  • Deep and effective skin cleansing
  • Works well with other cosmetic procedures
  • Smooths out wrinkles
  • Has a lifting effect
  • It stimulates the skin’s natural production of elastin and collagen proteins, which make the skin supple and toned.
  • Results are noticeable after the first session

The microdermabrasion device used does not do any harm to the skin. In addition, the procedure is hypoallergenic. This makes it accessible to people with sensitive skin, allergies, as well as patients for whom chemical peeling is contraindicated for a specific reason.