9 Waxing Myths and Facts

9 Waxing Myths and Facts

Waxing is a method of hair removal that has been in use since ancient times. It is recorded that even the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra removed excess body hair with hot wax.

It is interesting that today this type of hair removal remains one of the most effective and affordable methods out there. During the procedure the cosmetologist applies a layer of warm premixed wax to the skin and after it hardens, it is removed along with the hair.

Waxing not only removes the hair itself, but also its root. Yet there are still many misconceptions with regards to waxing and the pros and cons of waxing. 

Today we are going to take a look at the most popular myths and misconceptions about waxing.

Myths & Facts about Waxing

Myth 1

"After waxing, the hair becomes thicker and grow faster."


If the hair is removed incorrectly and without due professionalism there is a risk that the hair will not be completely removed and after a while it will become thicker. If, however, waxing is performed correctly, then after hair removal with wax, hair is thinner and sparser.

Myth 2

"Waxing is painful."


In fact, it all depends on the individual pain threshold, as well as the area on which the hair is removed.

Myth 3

"Wax kills any bacteria, so waxing is safe."


Yes, wax does have disinfecting properties, but it’s important that the esthetician uses exclusively disposable hair removal tools. Be sure to clarify this important point before the procedure.

Myth 4

"If the hair grows back very quickly, then the procedure was carried out incorrectly."


In part, this statement is true. However, do not forget that factors such as hair growth cycles, genetics, the area of ​​the removed hair and even the time of the year affect the rate of hair regrowth after waxing.


Myth 5

"When waxing it is almost impossible to get burned."


In fact, it all depends on the equipment used in the salon. There are several types of wax alloys - with and without temperature control.

Myth 6

"Waxing cannot be done during menstruation."


It all depends on how sensitive your skin is during critical days.

Myth 7

"The longer the hair, the better it can be removed with wax."


Actually, the optimal hair length is 1/4 inch (3-5 mm). Do not try to grow your hair as long as possible, the hair removal procedure will be more painful, in addition, there are risks of “breaking” the hairs and not removing them with the root.

Myth 8

"I can easily remove hair with wax at home."


When we visit the hair removal salon, the procedures seem to us quite simple and primitive. In fact, without proper technique, waxing is not so easy. This is especially true of the bikini zone.

Myth 9

"Waxing provokes wrinkles."


In fact, from regular waxing, the skin only gets better, because dead cells are removed along with the hair, which promotes rapid skin regeneration.