What Facial Is Best For Acne?

What Facial Is Best For Acne

First, what exactly is Acne? Acne is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands resulting from their blockage and increased production of oils on the skin. Only a person who has faced this issues knows how difficult it is to deal and treat acne. Usually, without the help of a competent esthetician many fail in their battle with acne.

Most often the first step towards acne free healthy skin is to get a facial cleansing. Facials are normally procedures that allow you to deeply cleanse the oil glands and pores from impurities, bacterias and microbes that provoke acne.

Some people may wonder if it really is necessary to receive a professional facial to treat acne and pimples. Some feel they can just squeeze out the pimples at home. It is important to remember however, that only a highly qualified specialist knows that not all acne is created equal. For example, acute inflammation and subcutaneous acne should not to be touched due to the risk of spreading the infection.

An Acne Facial cleansing must be carried out correctly, observing all the guidelines of cleanliness and aseptic techniques.

Why Does Acne Occur?

To fight acne first we must understand why acne occurs in the first place. 

Experts highlight some causes of acne:

  • Excessive secretion of the oily glands of the skin.
  • Follicular hyperkeratosis or thickening of the outer layer of skin.
  • The presence of bacteria causing acne. Propionibacterium acnes, staphylococcus in the sebaceous glands. 
  • Inflammation caused by the activity of microorganisms.

It is also believed that acne can be caused by the following internal factors:

  • A change in hormonal balance (an increase in testosterone production), leading to increased function of the oily glands, which is characteristic of adolescence, as well as for women during menstruation)
  • Excessive growth of the stratum corneum (hyperkeratosis), which leads to clogging sebaceous glands ducts and development of inflammation.
  • Lipid metabolism disorders (for the successful treatment of acne, normalization of fat metabolism in general and specifically in the sebaceous glands) is necessary.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (this hypothesis is still debated). 
  • Features of individual microflora of the skin.
  • Stress.
  • Immune system dysfunction.

Some external factor can also be the cause of repeated acne outbreaks such as the following:

  • Use of comedogenic cosmetics.
  • Lifestyle and work (exposure to toxic substances).
  • Drug intake (taking steroid hormones)
  • The climate where you live.

Acne Diagnosis

To determine the form of acne and the degree of development, an experienced esthetician needs a visual examination of the patient's skin. Women with persistent acne are recommended to have laboratory tests to test the level of testosterone and other hormones. In men, hormonal stimulants or steroids for muscle growth can promote this condition.

To exclude infectious causes, bacterial and fungal cultures are done. The sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics is determined for the purpose of treatment.

Professional Facial Cleansing Acne treatment

To promote healthy oil glands and relieve inflammation caused by acne, topical antibacterial agents are not enough. That's because bacteria accumulates at a depth of 2-3 mm and most ointments do not penetrate to that depth.

Light therapy is recognized as an effective method of fighting infection. It has proven a gentle and quick way to treat acne. Light therapy, for example, causes chemical reactions that reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and neutralize bacteria in the areas of inflammation. After the second session, positive changes are quite noticeable. To completely cure acne, 8-10 procedures are often necessary, which are performed with an interval of about 15-20 days.

We can also remove surface contamination with ultrasound facial techniques. An esthetician will carefully remove the upper stratum corneum of dead cells that clog the sebaceous glands. 

If your skin is too sensitive for the previously mentioned facials, then we will perform a manual cleaning procedure using delicate cosmetics.

You can get rid of most pimples and acne in one specialized treatment. Sign up for a comprehensive facial cleansing in our spa - after just one procedure, your skin will look more healthy, fresh, and smooth.

Facial Treatment Steps

Facial cleansing for acne and problematic skin gives amazing results. It allows you to deeply cleanse contaminated pores, get rid of blackheads or pimples and prevent acne inflammation. Thanks to our procedures your skin will become smooth begin to truly shine.

In our spa we perform acne cleansing procedures according to a uniquely developed technique that includes many important steps:

  • The removal of makeup. 
  • Facial scrubs – superficial skin cleansing
  • Using a steaming mask  –  a procedure that helps to open the pores of the face
  • A chemical peeling with alpha acids – a cleansing procedure that allows you to remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin
  • Face cleansing  – direct mechanical pore cleansing
  • Removal of blackheads, pustules
  • antiseptic mask – has a disinfecting and soothing effect
  • Application of cream  – the final stage, promoting nutrition and hydration of the skin, as well as its recovery after cleansing
  • Jacques therapeutic and calming massage - enhances the effect of the cosmetic mask, has a lifting, tonic and relaxing effect
  • Alginate (algal) mask with a pronounced soothing, moisturizing effect

Comprehensive facial cleansing lasts about 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Facials Help Maintain Your Natural Beauty

Our Facial cleansing Acne Treatments help maintain the normal functions of your skin. After removing the layer of dead cells, the sebaceous glands will begin to work properly. The effect of a cleansing Acne Treatment Facial are the following:

  • Even tone - peeling, inflammation, fuzzy contours and swelling are eliminated
  • Healthy well-hydrated skin
  • Normal functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • Rejuvenated face
  • Improve skin elasticity


Facial Contraindications

What would prevent someone from getting a comprehensive facial cleansing? Here are some of the following warning we might provide: 

  • high blood pressure
  • third trimester of pregnancy
  • herpes
  • fever
  • acute purulent inflammation, skin diseases
  • eczema
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system (severe hypertension, post-infarction, and after a stroke)
  • oncological diseases (even the initial stage)

However, in the majority of cases our procedures have practically no contraindications since it is a noninvasive procedure. An esthetician will definitely advise you before beginning any treatment.

Check our Reviews

Siara Whaley
Siara Whaley
7 months ago
My eyebrows look SOOOOO GOOD. I’ll be going here for everything. Amazing quality and customer service is top tier. My eyebrow tech fixed my eyebrows after another place completely ruined them! It’s a miracle they look this good. Thanks so much Lorelei you rock!! * I added a before and after.
Rachel Wolf
Rachel Wolf
3 months ago
I have been going to see Yulia just shy of a year for the Brazilian Sugaring. I first started seeing her during my second trimester. She always made me feel so comfortable. She was patient, personable, and professional. She truly is an experienced and qualified licensed esthetician. I drive well over an hour just to book with her-she is that good! If you’re on the fence about doing this, don’t be! You will be in good hands!
Shayla Scott
Shayla Scott
a month ago
I had a sugaring completed at Annazur Spa. Eliz made the process so smooth. She kept conversation to make it comfortable and made sure I knew everything that was happening in the process including being sure I had proper aftercare notes. I thoroughly loved my experience!!!