How stress and lifestyle affect acne: management tips

Stress woman due to working tasks

Acne is considered a teenage problem. But up to 54% of women 25-40 years old also face it. No small role in the appearance of acne, black dots is played by poor ecology, hormonal disorders. But the main factors are stress, errors in diet, bad habits, lack of sleep, rest.

In the article we will consider how stress and lifestyle provoke the appearance of acne. We will give advice on its treatment in SPA and by changing daily habits. We will tell you how to care for rash-prone facial skin.

Mechanism of stress effect on the skin

Stress negatively affects the entire body. But usually we notice its manifestations only on the skin. Emotional shocks, overstrain, fatigue can lead to rashes, redness, inflammation, dryness. They also provoke or aggravate allergies, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema.

Stress causes or exacerbates acne, eczema, psoriasis, other skin diseases

Skin problems due to stress are attributed to two mechanisms of exposure:

The production of the hormones cortisol, adrenaline

The adrenal glands release them in any stressful situation. If the stress is one-time - the level of hormones quickly returns to normal. But when they are constant, prolonged - pathological changes occur.

Cortisol increases the activity of sebaceous glands. Sebum (skin fat) production increases. It clogs pores, which leads to acne and comedones.

Adrenaline release causes constriction of blood vessels. Disrupts blood supply, skin nutrition. It becomes dry, dehydrated. Wrinkles and other signs of aging appear on the face.

Decrease in general and local immunity

Stress activates inflammatory mediators, cytokines, reduces immunity. These factors worsen the barrier function of the skin, slowing down regeneration. As a result, it becomes more vulnerable to the effects of microbes, bacteria, fungi. Which provokes or aggravates acne.

The impact of lifestyle on acne


The gut plays a key role in the regulation of immunity. It is where 80% of immune cells are concentrated. Therefore, proper nutrition can reduce inflammation, and improper nutrition can worsen it.

Causing clogged pores, acne, black spots:

  • fast food;
  • sweets;
  • convenience foods;
  • fried, spicy, greasy foods;
  • canned goods;
  • sodas.

Reduces inflammation, reduces rashes:

  • Fiber (vegetables);
  • antioxidants (fruits, berries);
  • fatty acids (nuts, fish);
  • magnesium (legumes, cereals);
  • zinc (eggs, seafood);
  • B vitamins (lean meat, liver, pumpkin seeds).

Harmful habits

Lifestyle greatly affects the condition of the skin. It is impossible to get rid of acne if you do not eliminate bad habits:

  • smoking:

    disrupts blood supply to the skin, dehydrates it, accelerates aging;

  • alcohol:

    provokes inflammation, reduces immunity, increases the work of sebaceous glands.

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17 years experience

Opinion of esthetician specialist

Harmful addictions are not only cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. Out of habit or when nervous, people often unconsciously touch their face, hair, head, neck. They may itch, tear pimples.

During these actions, the integrity of the skin is violated, the work of sebaceous glands increases. And in the microscopic wounds from the hands brings infection. Creates a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply, clog pores. All this aggravates acne.


During sleep, the body rests, recuperates. Irregular schedule of waking and resting negatively affects the face. Its color becomes earthy, there are dark circles under the eyes, swelling, rashes, wrinkles,. Plus lack of sleep is the main cause of chronic stress in 67% of women.

Therefore, you can improve your facial condition by normalizing your sleep:

sleep 7-9 hours a night;

go to bed and get up at the same time;

turn off gadgets a couple of hours before bedtime: the blue color of screens impairs the production of the sleep hormone melatonin;

observe rituals that will help you fall asleep: read, air out the room, take a warm bath;

remove stimuli that prevent sleep: 2-3 hours before bedtime do not drink coffee, tea, do not eat heavy food;

wash off makeup before going to bed.

Physical activity

Regular physical activity helps fight stress. They lead to the production of happy hormones: endorphin, serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin. Exercise normalizes blood flow, improves tone, and boosts immunity. All this reduces inflammation, prevents or reduces acne.

It is advisable to exercise at least 2-3 times a week for half an hour. And alternate between different types of exercise:

aerobic - running, swimming, bicycling, rollerblading, skateboarding;

strength - exercise on machines, squats, push-ups;

quiet - walks, pilates, callanetics;

collective - soccer, basketball, dance, group fitness classes;

myogymnastics - exercises for facial muscles.

Practical tips for managing stress and improving your lifestyle

Changing your lifestyle, getting rid of daily bad habits, and managing negative emotions can help improve your skin. These ways work better if you start acne treatment with salon methods and acne treatments.

Meditation, breathing practices, yoga will help control stress and reduce acne against its background

Relaxation techniques

It is impossible to completely eliminate stress. But you can change your attitude to it, learn to react more calmly to negative situations.

To control your mood, attitude to life situations will help regular exercise:

meditation - regulates the level of cortisol, adrenaline;

breathing exercises - reduce stress levels, and also normalize breathing, work of internal organs, improve blood supply;

Yoga - combines elements of exercise, stretching, breathing practices and meditation.

Time Management

The path to healthy, clear, inflammation-free, acne-free skin starts with changing your daily irregular schedule. The following tips will help you better organize your tasks, reduce stress, and make time for rest:

go to bed 7-9 hours before rising - if you're uncomfortable with the standard early rising schedule, ask your employer to move your work hours to a later time;

leave work matters outside the house - turn off work chats when you get home - take time for your family and yourself;

Don't overload yourself with household chores - do only what's really important;

reduce your time with gadgets - put programs that would limit your time in messengers, social networks;

introduce daily rituals that will help a little rest, lift your mood - find 15-20 minutes a day to go to your favorite coffee shop, walk in the park, read an interesting book, play with your pet.

Professional help

It can be difficult to fight acne due to stress and poor lifestyle on your own. Professional help is often needed:


Will help change old habits into new habits that will benefit you. He will offer techniques to combat stress, special methods to change lifestyle, introduce new rules, improve schedule. For people with sleep disorders, apathy, depressive manifestations will prescribe medications that will give strength, help to fight negative emotions.

Esthetician specialist

Will recommend professional treatments to get rid of acne. Often esthetician will prescribe ultrasonic facial cleaning, chemical peels, laser therapy. He will select professional at-home skin care products. He may also suspect hidden diseases that cause acne, comedones, rosacea, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. In such a case, he will recommend a more thorough examination.

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17 years experience

How does ANNAZUR Organic Beauty Spa treat acne?

We take an individual approach to each client. Our esthetician specialists will offer you one or more of the following methods of acne treatment:

• Salicylic acid peeling - for deep cleansing, to even out the tone of the face;
• ultrasonic cleaning - to get rid of pimples, black spots;
• phototherapy - to eliminate inflammation, reduce bacteria, accelerate regeneration.

After the treatments, we will continue to follow up with you. We will select specialized products for home facial care. They will help you keep your skin smooth, clean, prevent recurrent inflammation and rashes.

Skin care recommendations for stress

With chronic stress, the work of the sebaceous glands changes. Therefore, the face during this period needs special care. It will prevent or reduce acne.

Proper skin care at home and in the cabin will reduce acne due to stress

Esthetician specialists recommend:

Regularly cleanse the skin. Morning and evening wipe or wash your face with non-aggressive products that do not violate the skin barrier, do not cause inflammation.

Forget about scrubs. Abrasives traumatize the skin. This increases inflammation, contributes to the spread of bacteria throughout the face.

Use creams with antioxidants, soothing components. Choose products that contain vitamins A, E, C, extracts of aloe vera, chamomile, green tea.

Use products with salicylic acid. It dries pimples, reduces redness, prevents the spread of acne. However, use such products carefully: if you overdry the face - inflammation will increase.

Apply products with pro- and prebiotics. They will help normalize the barrier function of the skin, regulate local immunity.

Moisturize the skin. In the morning before applying cosmetics and at night before going to bed, be sure to moisturize the face, neck cream with collagen, urea, glycerin, hyaluronic acid or ceramides. The product should be oily, but at the same time well absorbed.

Acne is a complex problem. It cannot be solved by using only one cream labeled "from acne". A holistic approach is necessary: getting rid of bad habits, normalizing sleep and rest, fighting stress and chronic fatigue, changing the diet.

The first step to a clean skin without acne is its cleansing in SPA. Learn how to make your face young, radiant and healthy at a consultation with esthetician ANNAZUR!